A couple of Marine Veterans will be stopping in Texarkana during their Wall to Wall Bicycle Ride.Veterans Marine Jeremy Staat and U.S. Army Wesley Barrientos are riding from the Wall of Valor in Bakersfield California to the Vietnam Memorial Wall in Washington, D.C.  The pair is traveling around 4,163 miles through 15 states, 9 military bases over a 100 day period.

They expect to be in Texarkana at the Downtown Post Office around Noon on April 12th.  Jeremy is a retired NFL player, who like Pat Tillman gave up a promising career to enlist in the Marines and served in Iraq. Wesley is a three time Purple Heart Recepient who in 2001 lost both legs due to an IED accident. He will be riding a special bike he  pedals with his hands.

The Jeremey Staat Foundation’s Mission is to raise awareness of and support for veterans organizations, and to educate, prevent, and ecrease childhood obesity through lifetime fitness activities.

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