You may be surfing the web today, and find that some of your regular sites aren’t working, are different, or some sort of splash page explaining why a lot of sites are different pops up. Today is the day that many web pages and companies are protesting S.O.P.A., and you need to know about it.  Sites like twitpic, google, wikipedia, flickr, mozilla, reddit, and wordpress are participating along with many others. 

On Jan 24th, Congress will vote to pass internet censorship in the Senate, even though the vast majority of Americans are opposed to it. The people want to kill the bill – PIPA in the Senate and SOPA in the House – to protect their rights to free speech, privacy, and prosperity. They are wanting internet companies to follow Reddit’s lead and stand up for the web by ‘blacking out’ today only.  Some sites are doing it for a certain time period, some for the entire 24 hours.


Here is a link to More on the SOPA Blackout.  You can also keep up with everything surrounding the movement at #sopastrike, or by following

Here is a link to a much more in depth post from CBS News with Everything You Need To Know About SOPA.



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