Kellie has absolutely discovered the secret to understanding a man, watch if you dare.

Part-Time Justin issued a challenge to the office... And, if he loses, he may have to shave his head. If you missed it, watch it below.

We opened up the phone lines to find out if you're crazy, like dipping crackers in butter or scratching your head with a fork, is that crazy? Plus we gave away even more money this morning when we played Beat the Bank and gave you some gift ideas with a special edition of "Craigslist Mother's Day"! 


Tomorrow is Wednesday so you know what that means, Love Letters to Kellie! Submit your letter on and maybe she'll answer it on air tomorrow.

We've given away a lot of money with Beat the Bank but we're not done yet! Make sure you're signed up on and listen in for your chance to win up to $1000.

We will open up the phone lines because we want to hear from you, Kidd Nation. Ask us whatever you want when we do "Whatever Wednesday"!



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