If you have been following my posts then you already know how much I love these guys and their music. If you have been enjoying them too, then for the Christmas season, here's another that I think you should watch. "O Come, Emmanuel"...

The video posted below is musically beautiful and very pleasing to the eye, I loved it. You may notice in the upper right hand corner another link, it's the same music but the video actually put a lump in my throat. Being a Christian the story of Jesus does that to me sometimes. No words are spoken, none need be if you know the story already. If you don't, may I suggest a little reading. BibleGateway.com

If you're not a believer and this "Jesus" talk offends you, why are still reading it? Feel free to exercise your right to click on something else. Love ya, mean it!

Merry Christmas to all.


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