will be shutting down on March 7, 2013. New ChipIns can no longer be created. ChipIn used to be the way to run an online fundraiser, often used by dog rescues which is how I found out about the service. What now?!ChipIn Inc. has been merged with InMobi Technologies who has decided to discontinue the website and all services. The ChipIn website will be completely shutdown on March 7, 2013. That doesn't give users much time to get their fundraisers wrapped up and/or moved over to another website.

The notice was posted on the ChipIn website as of February 4, 2013. Here is what you should do if you have a ChipIn account:

As of the date of this notice it will no longer be possible to create new accounts or ChipIns. Those with existing accounts will still be able to log in, copy and export data, manage ChipIns, update ChipIn pages, and accept contributions until the End Date. was started in 2005 as an easy way for individuals to raise money collectively and was one of the pioneers in this field. In six years helped thousands of users raise millions from contributors for wide-ranging purposes, including heart surgeries, pet adoptions, college graduation, disaster funds and much more.

Thank you for being part of the ChipIn community! It is gratifying to know that it has made a positive difference for many.

ChipIn Shutdown FAQ

  1. When will ChipIn shut down?

    The ChipIn Web site will be immediately shut down on March 7, 2013. Because of this, event organizers should edit their ChipIns so they end before this date and communicate this to potential contributors via their ChipIn page and other methods as needed.

  2. What will happen to my data?

    When the site is shut down your user data and all related information including event and contributor information will be permanently destroyed to maintain your privacy. Before the shutdown date you can copy text from your ChipIn page entries and export contributor lists.

  3. Why can't I create new ChipIns?

    Allowing new ChipIns to be created up to the shutdown date would increase the likelihood of terminating ChipIns in progress to the detriment of organizers and contributors. Note that existing ChipIns and ChipIn page content can still be edited.

  4. Do I need to do anything to close or deactivate my ChipIn account?

    No. ChipIn will automatically deactivate all accounts on March 7, 2013.

What Now?


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