The whole idea of phones being smart is kinda of funny when you think about it, when I was a traffic reporter in Houston we carried around these gigantor two-way radios when riding or flying around the city to call in our traffic reports. Then we got those huge bag phones, and I suppose we were lucky to have all our parts working after being around that much RF radiating from those devices.

Now we have smart phones! Devices that fit in your hand but have more computing power than the Apollo 11 command module and lunar lander combined. If fact if you want be really scared by that thought, a friend of mine pointed out the phone I have right now, which is two year old technology, has a more powerful computer chip in it than our first generation of Space Shuttles had. Holy Moley!

We have come a long way in a very short period of time.

Are you on board yet? Have you made that transition from your old flip phone to an iPhone or Android device? Or are you scared that when Skynet finally becomes self-aware that you don't want your instrument of self destruction in your back pocket? Sorry for the 'Terminator' reference.

My mom doesn't want one at all, she will be turning 75 soon, she still works,  uses a computer and email and of course a cell phone, but she isn't interested at all in learning a whole new operating system just to make a phone call. So guess who still has to enter all her contacts into her new phone every couple of years... yep, that would be me.

What about you?

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