
Monday’s Pearls of Wisdom
Monday’s Pearls of Wisdom
Monday’s Pearls of Wisdom
Friend, whatever it is you’re dealing with in life right now, you just go have to TRUST THE PROCESS! Ummmm nope.....It doesn’t feel good. To others, it probably doesn’t even look good. However, that’s not what the process is about. The process is not abo...
Tuesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Tuesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Tuesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Life can take you fast sometimes.  You have to pause a moment and ask yourself…. "Am I performing this thing called life for the crowd or for my audience?"A crowd is just a large number of people gathered to spectate who will have you emotionally charged, distracted and in your feelings trying to appease THEIR appetite and agenda...
Thursday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Thursday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Thursday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Don’t go back to anything you had to pray your way out of. Whether an addiction, a relationship, state of mind, a living situation, etc. If God brought you out, do not look back (Lot’s wife). (my Bible readers felt that) Look here’s the thing… We ask God to do this or that… remove this or that, but we don’t get to pick how He chooses to do it… See ya’ll got God messed up...
Tuesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Tuesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Tuesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
My old college professor…MY FAVORITE,  Dr. Jim Towns, asked this question one day…. 'Are you a thermostat or are you a thermometer?' He went on to explain that a thermostat sets the temperature. You walk in the room and the atmosphere adjusts to you ...
Friday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Friday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Friday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
I know there’s a lot of hype centered around Valentine’s Day. I don’t knock it at all. To each his own. I enjoy seeing others enjoy the “holiday”. I’m just not a big Valentine Day chick. Flowers are cool… but I’d rather have a tattoo...
Wednesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Wednesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Wednesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Stop chasing success! Stop chasing things…stop chasing people…  We're not chasing anything in 2021; WE’RE ATTRACTING EVERYTHING! What belongs to you will find you. It’s that simple. Ignite your eternal fire and the WORLD will come watch you burn...
Thursday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Thursday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Thursday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Some of us are still blaming our moms our dads for our short comings….for the things we didn’t know… the things we didn’t have.  When it’s not at all their fault. They knew what they knew.  People can only meet you where they’ve met themselves...
Wednesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Wednesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Wednesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
I talk a lot about passion and purpose because I'm just a passionate person.  I wanna win at life, and I want you to win at life as well. If you're like me, you wanna do IT ALL! Unfortunately, as gifted as you may be, you can't be great at anything if you're trying to focus on EVERYTHING...
Tuesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Tuesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Tuesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
The key to manifesting what you want to see in your life.... Is acting as if you already have it.... basically, the "child-like faith" the Bible speaks of. If you want to be wealthy... act wealthy... speak wealth... make decisions that wealthy people make even if for the moment you're making those said decisions in your head...
Friday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Friday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Friday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Nobody likes to hurt.... BUT I’ve learned to let it burn. I can finally say that some of my biggest growth spurts have come from my pain.... Or should I say from my “healing” or my healing process. One thing I know and two things I’m for certain of…...
Wednesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Wednesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Wednesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Anything and/or anybody detrimental to your purpose… your success… your destiny will be there… and they will remain. So hear me when I tell you that NOTHING you lost in 2020 or in the past is relevant to your destiny. If you NEEDED it to get there, it would still be there ...

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