Monday’s Pearls of Wisdom
Monday’s Pearls of Wisdom
Monday’s Pearls of Wisdom
Friend, whatever it is you’re dealing with in life right now, you just go have to TRUST THE PROCESS! Ummmm nope.....It doesn’t feel good. To others, it probably doesn’t even look good. However, that’s not what the process is about. The process is not abo...
Monday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Monday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Monday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
A problem/challenge is an evolutionary catalyst... Meaning it's meant to catapult you into the highest version of you. A problem only does for you what you won't willingly do for yourself. It forces you to grow. If we didn't go through trials, tribulations, and challenging moments, many of us would never grow...
Tuesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Tuesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Tuesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Life can take you fast sometimes.  You have to pause a moment and ask yourself…. "Am I performing this thing called life for the crowd or for my audience?"A crowd is just a large number of people gathered to spectate who will have you emotionally charged, distracted and in your feelings trying to appease THEIR appetite and agenda...
Tuesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Tuesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Tuesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
friends, we're over halfway through the 4th month of 2021. We want to maximize this year, and if the past year and a half has taught us nothing When you have time today, take a minute and list the top 5 priorities in your life. Then look at the dates that fill your calendar, and ask yourself, 'Does my calendar reflect my top five priorities listed"...
Thursday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Thursday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Thursday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Don’t go back to anything you had to pray your way out of. Whether an addiction, a relationship, state of mind, a living situation, etc. If God brought you out, do not look back (Lot’s wife). (my Bible readers felt that) Look here’s the thing… We ask God to do this or that… remove this or that, but we don’t get to pick how He chooses to do it… See ya’ll got God messed up...
Monday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Monday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Monday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
On Friday…. Earl Simmons *AKA* DMX lost his battle against addiction and passed away at the age of 50. If you know then you know… I don’t have to tell you how wise this man was.. I don’t have to tell you how talented this man was.
Tuesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Tuesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Tuesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Don’t waste time trying to change people’s opinions about you. It doesn’t matter who they are nor what they think about you. The praise from your fans can’t make u... And the noise from your haters can’t break you! Your blessings don't come from the opinions of others...
Tuesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Tuesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Tuesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
When you operate in your GIFT, you don’t have to be at the head of the table. Wherever you sit or stand, the table and room will shift. TRUST ME! I KNOW! t I still laugh about this to this day. I was looked over to speak at a big decision-making table discussion for a college...
Monday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Monday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
Monday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
My ultimate goal for myself, as well as for you guys, is ALWAYS to win. So, there are a few things I want to share with you that I’ve set in place in my life to help me win this year and bear fruit. I’M MAKING DECISIONS BASED ON MY DESTINY...

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