A Milwaukee Sheriff came out with some very well thought out advise the other day delivered in a new made-for-radio public service announcement which amounts to this, police can't get there in time, you better learn how to use a gun.

Surprised? You shouldn't be, because this is exactly what police have been telling us, albeit off the record usually, for decades. You know why police departments have crime scene detectives? Because it's very rare that the police get there in time to actually stop a crime in progress. In fact, except in Hollywood, it almost never happens.

Since the release of this PSA Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, Jr. has been taking a lot of heat from the left who want, of course, to ban all guns, which we already know is impossible.

Here's the facts, if a bad person busts through your front door in the middle of the night, you have maybe 20 seconds to 1 minute before he finds you or your kids. Now unless you have a security guard on duty in your hallway, or a policeman sitting on the corner in his or her patrol car, the chances of them stopping a horrendous crime is less than zero.

The average police response time for "shots fired" in Milwaukee in 2011 was 6 or 7 minutes according to an article in the Milwaukee Wisconsin Journal Sentinel. In other words at flank speed, the absolute best you could expect is for the cops to show up just in time to haul your murderer off to jail. In my book, and in Sheriff David Clarkes book, that's a little too late.

All the Sheriff is asking you to do is be pro-active in your own protection because the only one who can look out for you in an emergency is you. That is one of the many reasons why Texas is registering Concealed Carry licensees faster than ever before. I imagine Arkansas Concealed Carry classes are at an all time high as well.

In Texas you don't have to have a license to protect your home or your car with a firearm from the bad guys, but you should take some serious training from a professional.

If you need help finding one visit any of the guns shops in the area or you can go to TexarkanaGunClub.org.

God bless our men and women in blue, they do their jobs to the best of their ability and cover as much ground to help us as they humanly can, but they also know that when seconds count, they are minutes away. Listen to Sheriff Clarke's PSA below, take heed of the words and prepare yourself. Hopefully that tragic day will never come, but if it does, you'll be ready.

Luv ya, mean it.

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