People just like you are winning cash, $1,000 twice each weekday in May, except Memorial Day. Have you won? Have you signed up for the newsletter? Have you even been trying to win? Do you know when the call times are? That helps, you know.

If you sign up for our newsletter you will know exactly when the call in times are.
Click here and sign up now. The box to put your email address in is on the right side of the page, about half way down.

Here's how you can win:

  • Two chances every day to win $1,000! Just listen all day for your cue to call, and when you hear it, be the 25th nationwide caller at 1-877-854-WINS.
  • Enter online for a chance to win $10,000! Just get social with us. Click here and get social to earn entries into this contest. So, the more you Like, Share, Follow, Subscribe, the more entries you get.

Good luck!

Contest ends May 31, 2016.


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