Staff Writer
12 U.S. Service Members Killed in Attack at Kabul Airport; 15 Others Injured
At least 12 service members were killed in the suicide bombings in Afghanistan earlier today, U.S. officials just confirmed. That includes 11 Marines and one Navy medic.
BREAKING: Bill Cosby to Be Released From Prison; Sentence Overturned
Bill Cosby will be released from a Pennsylvania prison soon.
Las Vegas Raiders Lineman Carl Nassib Makes History: ‘…I’m Gay’
Las Vegas Raiders' lineman Carl Nassib announced via a video on his Instagram account Monday evening that he is gay.
Is Walmart Going Bagless on July 1? Yes & No
Don't expect a bagless shopping experience at all U.S. Walmarts just yet.
NEVER FORGET: 9/11 and the Days After in Images
2020 has been a year that will not be forgotten and for many people that has brought back memories of the horrific events of 2001, perhaps more so than in years past.
Photos Show How the Coronavirus Has Changed Sports Worldwide
From Olympians training in backyard sheds to kayakers in swimming pools, it's truly remarkable to see how our active lifestyles are whole new ballgame.
The Funniest Coronavirus Memes & Tweets That Will Get Us All Through This
Social distancing has not only given people more time at home, but it also has given them more time to be creative on social media.
Movie Moms Compilation Will Pump You Up for Mother’s Day
Mother's Day is one short guilt trip away from being here, so why not let this moving video get you in the spirit of the day?
Woman Sues Because She Didn’t Get Enough Junior Mints
This woman has had her fill of not having her fill.
Boy Swallows Party Horn, Toots Every Time He Breathes
This kid is the life of the party.
‘Ventriloquist’ Dad Uses Bewildered Baby As a Dummy
This kid isn't quite ready for show business.
Kickball Player’s Whiff Is a Faceful of Dirt-Eating Hilarity
A swing and a miss has never been so painful. Or humiliating. Or painfully humiliating.