Friday’s Pearls of Wisdom
Recognizing the season you're in is detrimental to your peace. Often we like to get ahead of God, especially truly passionate people. So what happens is we grow frustrated when we feel like things aren't moving fast enough. The business isn't booming.... The big break hasn't come yet....
Well let's be honest with ourselves for a minute... If the business took off tomorrow, could we handle it? Are you prepared Mentally... Physically.... Emotionally... and Financially for the task ahead? Do you have the right folks in your life as a support system? Here's the thing...getting blessed too soon can hurt you waaaaaay more than it can help you if YOU'RE not ready for it, and if you can't handle it.
So find peace in this season as you prepare YOU..... KNOWING that you'll be READY for your next season and all that comes along with it. Timing is absolutely everything. You don't want it before it's time.
Those are your Pearls of Wisdom, TK. Go WIN THE DAY!