While Texas is known for 6 species of scorpions, Arkansas has only one species, the striped bark scorpion.

Is The Striped Bark Scorpion Deadly?

While the sting from a striped bark scorpion is not lethal to a human, the pain from the venom of this scorpion will make you wish you were. Symptoms include painful swelling, muscle spasms, abdominal cramping, hypersensitive reaction, angioedema, and chest tightening none of which sounds pleasant to experience. If stung by one of these, wash immediately with soap and water, put an ice pack on the swelling, and contact your doctor if you experience any other lasting effects.

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Where Is The Striped Bark Scorpion Found in Arkansas?

The striped bark scorpions are typically found in the western part of Arkansas and are identified by their pale yellowish brown body with dark stripes on their abdomen.


It's not uncommon to find them in other regions of the state as well. When doing yard work be aware of loose bark, rocks, or old wooded logs this is their natural habitat. Occasionally during the summer, they seek cooler places to hibernate and may seek shelter inside your home.

The good news is the striped bark scorpions are in their hibernating period, they are active mostly in June and July.

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The 2024 Nikon Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards reveal the hilarious side of nature, with a flailing squirrel taking the top prize and plenty of giggles along the way. Keep scrolling for the wildly hysterical (and maybe a bit cute) photos.

Gallery Credit: Stephen Lenz