Got Your Costume Picked Out? Ready for some candy? One of the best opportunities in the Ark-La-Tex for just that is Texarkana's Trunk or Treat event scheduled for October 28.
Halloween 2020 is upon us and every child in America has candy on the brain. As I've said before, THANK GOD my children are grown and well beyond the days of trick-or-treating. However, I have some friends with little ones who are counting down the days to getting their hands on the most candy they will see all year. lol So, it peeked my interest to find out exactly what are the candy favs through
Halloween is about scary costumes but let's face it, it's really about the candy! We all end up buying Halloween candy whether your neighborhood is full of kids or not. What's your favorite candy and how much do you usually spend on candy to hand out on Halloween?
I started thinking today, and my mind quickly wandered to candy. So, I started thinking about candy shops in Texarkana. Only one really came to mind, but there are others.
There’s one single treat in the history of all candy deliciousness that makes us feel so torn. Candy corn -- we hate to love it and love to hate it. How is it possible it can taste so bad, yet be so irresistible? It’s a Halloween trick AND treat. (See what we did there?)
Easter Candy: You Love it. We love it. Your hyperactive children love it. There's nothing like stuffing your mug with a few Cadbury Cream Eggs before breakfast.
But did you know...?