Hip Hop 50th Tribute at 2023 BET Awards Hip Hop 50th Tribute at 2023 BET Awards The legends showed out for hip-hop's 50th at the BET Awards. Joey EchJoey Ech
Here Are 50 Hip-Hop Albums That Share the Same Title as Other AlbumsHere Are 50 Hip-Hop Albums That Share the Same Title as Other AlbumsWhile album titles are unique to most artists, there have been many times in hip-hop’s 50-year history where rappers share the same names for their projects.Kemet HighKemet HighRobby Seabrook IIIRobby Seabrook III
Here Are Unforgettable Words of Advice That Rappers Took From Their FathersHere Are Unforgettable Words of Advice That Rappers Took From Their FathersMajor keys from your favorite rappers' fathers.Kemet HighKemet High