The Texarkana, Ark., Advertising and Promotion Commission has launched its first independent website.

The site, created by Sells Agency, a full-service marketing firm in Little Rock, provides visitors with a brief history of the city in addition to showcasing Texarkana’s restaurants, attractions, parks and hotels through the use of vibrant photography and video.

Prior to development of this website, information on the commission was available through the City of Texarkana, Ark., website.

“Texarkana, Arkansas, is long overdue for a stand-alone website that will give visitors a better idea of what our city has to offer in terms of history, beauty and opportunities for entertainment and conventions,” said Joyce Dennington, vice chair of the Texarkana, Ark., A&P Commission. “This site is among our new and multi-faceted marketing strategy to further entice visitors to our community and, ideally, have them return periodically or relocate here.”

Other elements of the strategy include the creation of Our Texarkana Instagram and Facebook pages and an Our Texarkana YouTube account. A visitor’s guide will be available on the website and in printed form. Visitor’s guides may be requested through the website and also will be located at state welcome centers across Arkansas.

The home page of the new website includes the commission’s new logo, which is a word-mark comprised of the word Texarkana. An outline of the state of Arkansas surrounds the “ARK,” emphasizing the Arkansas side of the city. The segmentation of the word Texarkana creates three railcar-like elements that give a subtle nod to the city’s founding years as a railroad town.

A rotating photo banner on the home page features information on where to “Taste Texarkana,” “Travel back in time,” “Play while you stay” and “Make yourself at home.” The first of several upcoming video vignettes entitled “A side of goodness” provides viewers with a variety of brief glimpses into the life, culture, events and attractions in Texarkana.

Dennington said the site also will create more efficiencies for the commission in terms of the processes and applications for annual grant funding. Local organizations that want to request funding will find the commission’s bylaws, an application form and other information regarding the grant process on the site.

“Reinvesting in our community is imperative for tourism growth, so we always look forward to working with local businesses and organizations to support them in their strategies for increasing tourism,” she said.

Two percent of taxes charged by the city’s restaurants, and 3 percent of taxes charged by local hotels and motels, are divided among the A&P Commission and the area Parks and Recreation Department to add or improve local attractions or programs to drive tourism.


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