Pearls of Wisdom today are In honor of Claudette Colvin who is 80 years old on this day (September 5)..  Many people don't know that in 1955 9 months prior to Rosa Parks, she refused to give up her seat on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama.  

A young Black girl arrested for standing up for what she believes in at age 15. And we all know the history of Rosa Parks.  My point? Something inside these ladies told them that REGARDLESS of what people said or what the law even said, THEY WERE WORTHY.  Even when faced with this adversity, something stood up boldly on the inside of them WOULD NOT LET THEM BOW DOWN Now keep in mind this was during a time when it wasn't favorable at ALL to be a woman, let alone a BLACK woman. Now if they were able to tap into the treasure inside of them and remain cognizant of their worth during a time when society said they HAD NONE... how dare you or I walk around here Settling for anything and anybody. Letting people put a reduced tag on you because you don't know your own worth! Stop setting for less than you deserve. Stand firmly On who you are, but most importantly WHOSE you are.

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