Our military men and women are always near and dear to our heart. The sacrifices they make for us and our freedoms are too many to count, but what about their wives and husbands?  The spouses that worry, the spouses that move around because their husband or wife is transferred and the spouses that watch and worry as their husbands and wives leave home for a tour of duty.

I was happy to see there is a special day for these very special spouses. They sacrifice so much behind the scenes, while keeping morale high here at home, raising children and basically being a rock for our service men and women.

Military Spouse Appreciation Day has been around since 1984 when President Reagan proclaimed the day as an observance to honor the contributions of military spouses.

If you know someone that is married to a service man or woman, be sure to give them a BIG THANK YOU and remind them how awesome they are!

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