A lot of neighbors will be gathering together this Tuesday evening October 3 for the National Night out event in the Texarkana area.

National night out is in it's 34th year. It is an evening for joining together with your neighbors, getting to know one another, and sending a message to would be criminals, that you are serious about keeping your neighborhood safe.

The Texarkana Texas Police Department says they are proud to partner with neighborhoods throughout the city. Together, they intend to send a strong message to criminals that our neighborhoods are organized and will not tolerate illegal activities.

Authorities are asking that everyone turn on their porch light, lock their doors, and spend time outside visiting with their neighbors.  Police officers and other City officials will attend each neighborhood event.

This year’s registered National Night Out events in Texarkana, Texas are:

Rose Hill Ridge Apt.                     2100 W. 12th                      4:00 – 7:00

Pecan Ridge Apt.

The Oaks at Rose Hill

Renaissance Plaza


River Crossing Apt.                      1023 College                       6:00 - 8:00


Spring Lake Park #3                     4107 Columbia                   6:00 - 8:30


Forest Point Apt.                          2605 Kennedy                     5:30 – 6:30


Robinson Terrace                        1010 Dan Haskins               4:00 – 7:00


Believe in Beverly                        2612 New Boston Rd          6:30 – 8:30



DeSoto Circle                               DeSoto Circle                     6:00 – 9:30


Town North Apt.                            4624 Elizabeth                   5:00 – 8:00


Walnut Hill                                     3400 Pine                          6:00 – 10:00


Woodbridge Apt.                           502 Belt Road                    4:00 - 7:00


Arista Apt.                                      3515 Arista                        6:00 – 7:00


Hampton Homes                            1400 Jenkins                     5:00 – 8:00


Northridge                                      Northridge C.C.                  6:00 – 7:30


Highland Park                                3000 Texas Blvd.                6:00 – 9:00


Northridge Country                        5809 Winchester                 6:00 - 9:00


Spring Lake Park #5                      4120 Lynn Drive                 6:00 - 8:00


Windmere                                      14 Windmere Drive             6:00 – 8:00


Kennington Park                           1 Lambeth Place                  6:30 – 8:30


Texas A&M-Texarkana                   Bringle Lake Village            6:00 – 8:00


New Town                                      Bell Park                              6:00 – 8:00


Tulip Drive                                    Tulip and Daffodil                  6:45 – 8:45


Northview Estates                        3004 Kevin                            7:00 – 8:30


Hopefully you will join in the celebration, whether your neighborhood event is registered with the Police Department or not. It's a good chance to enjoy an evening, getting to know your neighbors better, and making your neighborhood a safer place to live.



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