The State Fair of Texas Is Now Recruiting Vendors For This Year
The State Fair of Texas was just recently recognized as the best state fair in the United States. Number one, the top dog, the tip of the iceberg, when it comes to state fairs, and we agree. Wouldn't it be great to be a concessionaire or exhibitor at the greatest state fair in the nation? Do you think you're ready? Now is your chance.
The State Fair of Texas is excited to announce that the 2023 food and beverage concessionaire application and the commercial exhibits application are now available online. Are you ready to sign up? The State Fair of Texas has a huge collection of small businesses, consisting of nearly 90 concessionaires and more than 200 exhibitors come from all over the state to celebrate all things Texan. The Fair is always looking for new and unique items for sale, to diversify and expand by adding new businesses to the annual lineup. If you’re a small, unique business with previous experience serving the masses, the Fair is looking for you.
The State Fair of Texas is absolutely the fried food capital of Texas, as they say, "if you can eat it, we can fry it – and we probably already have!" Above and beyond being deep-fried culinary geniuses, the concessionaires also make gourmet regional, national, and even international dishes, and always with a Texas twist. They are once again looking for top-notch vendors who can bring new and unique foods to the State Fair. If you want to do this, you must have large event experience. The State Fair of Texas has been known to more than 2.5 million people in only 24 days. That's a lot of corn dogs.
If you are lucky enough to be selected as a State Fair of Texas concessionaire, you will be welcomed into a family unlike any other. In addition to support from the food and beverage department at the Fair, long-time veteran concessionaires and those with just a few Fairs under their belt alike are there to support brand-new businesses with advice, feedback, and friendship throughout the journey. When a vendor has successfully completed their first State Fair, they are invited back for the next year, at that point they are also eligible for the highly coveted Big Tex Choice Awards food competition. While new vendors are not eligible for the Big Tex Choice Awards in their inaugural year as a concessionaire, they are eligible to be featured in all the State Fair’s “new foods” communications.
So you want to sell your stuff at the Fair? Well, you're in luck, the Fair has over 400,000 square feet of indoor and outdoor commercial exhibit space, the State Fair of Texas is the perfect destination to increase a business’ product sales and awareness, generate sales leads, and drive in-store traffic. Can you imagine the potential of 2.5 million Fair attendees browsing your booth over a 24-day period? With hundreds of things to shop for, fairgoers love to explore the Fair’s commercial exhibits and find the latest and greatest treasures, some even leave with their holiday shopping completed. The State Fair of Texas is looking for exceptional businesses that can add an appealing new product or service to the roster for 2023.
Whether you’re a Texan, born and bred, or you got here as soon as you could, your application is welcome at the State Fair of Texas. It’s small businesses like yours that allow them to be one of the greatest events and attractions in the country and help celebrate all things Texan.
Learn more about the State Fair of Texas by logging on to BigTex.com. If you're ready to download the applications right now, click on the following links, and good luck.
Food and Beverage Application - accepted through March 31.
Commercial Exhibitors Application - accepted through September 1, but if you want a shot, you better get in early.
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