cute kids

Little Girl Seriously Cannot Say Banana
Little Girl Seriously Cannot Say Banana
Little Girl Seriously Cannot Say Banana
Is this video adorable? Or is this kid just not even trying? We're going to stick with adorable, since Christmas wasn't too long ago. She can say apple, but this little girl can't say banana. At all. We'd like to hear her try some other fruits, because if any of them are as bad as this, well, that will be a great day for the internet...
Giant “Aww!” Heard Worldwide [VIDEO]
Giant “Aww!” Heard Worldwide [VIDEO]
Giant “Aww!” Heard Worldwide [VIDEO]
Cute kids singing on YouTube are a dime a dozen. Usually these patooties, however, are polished little stage demons looking for fame. It’s true, admit it. But sometimes one comes along — like this darling who sings Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros tune “Home” with her dad