piano guys

New Music From The Piano Guys [VIDEO]
New Music From The Piano Guys [VIDEO]
New Music From The Piano Guys [VIDEO]
Pop music, it's what we do here at Mix 93.3, and it is what it is, popular music. Some good, some ok, some iffy at best, some just sucks out loud, it all depends on one's tastes. But one thing I would love to accomplish in my life and already have to a certain degree is help influence young people that Pop Music is fleeting, it just doesn't hold up to the true test of time.
Star Wars Geeks, You’ll Love This!
Star Wars Geeks, You’ll Love This!
Star Wars Geeks, You’ll Love This!
I have posted the Piano Guys videos before, love 'em, they are always really well done and music is fantastic.  Today I have one that just made my inner geek glow like a lightsaber in the darkest regions of the Dagobah system. It's a parody titled "Cello Wars" and features cellist Jedi Night Steven Sharp Nelson vs. Steven Sharp Nelson of the Dark Side. Watch for the new dancing duo "