Texas Brothers Reel in Massive 1,000 Pound Shark in Galveston
According to KHOU, a rare 1,000-pound 12-foot tiger shark is one big catch the boys will be talking about for years. Call it a Fisherman's tale or whatever but this is the truth from Avery Fuller who has been trying to live up to his father's legacy of catching sharks. Fuller has been trying to beat his dad who won a tournament 30 years ago catching a 1,000 pounder back then. Well, his shark tipped the scales at 1,004 pounds to be exact.
Avery and his brothers Clint and Tyler caught the shark around midnight in a tournament as well after wrestling with the shark for about 20 minutes. See Avery Fuller's Facebook page.
According to the Texas Parks and Wildlife, it's legal to catch and keep a tiger shark, but it has to be a minimum of 64 inches. This shark was more than twice that size at 12 feet, 6 inches. By the way, they won the competition.
I guess you can say everything is bigger in Texas including sharks! Tune into Sharkfest on NatGeo.