Texas Workforce Commission Partners With Texarkana College And McLarty Ford to Benefit NE Texas Workers
McLarty Ford has partnered with Texarkana College to provide job training using a $141,231 Skills Development Fund grant from the Texas Workforce Commission. The grant will benefit workers in the Northeast Texas area.
“The partnership between McLarty Ford and Texarkana College on this Skills Development Fund grant will benefit both the local community and its workforce,” said TWC Commissioner Representing Labor Julian Alvarez. “Our labor force is among the most talented and skilled in the world, and we continue to seek and implement strategies to improve the skills of Texas workers.”
According to the press release from the Workforce Commission, the grant will be used to provide customized training to 75 new and incumbent workers for industry-related topics with focused instruction on service and automotive parts technician skills. Trainees will include sales team members, service department technicians, mechanics and service parts clerks. Upon completion of training, the workers will receive an average wage of $14.27.
Since its inception in 1996, the Skills Development Fund grants have created or upgraded more than 342,428 jobs throughout Texas. The grants have assisted 4,238 employers with their customized training needs. The Legislature allocated $48.5 million to the Skills Development Fund for the 2016-17 biennium. Employers seeking more information about the Skills Development Fund may visit the TWC website.
To find out more please contact the Director of Institutional Advancement Suzanne Irwin, 903-823-3095 or Suzanne.irwin@texarkanacollege.edu.
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