Anti-Bully Rally & Back-To-School Block Party
T.A.B. Veterans "Taking Action against Bullies" present the Anti-bully Rally and Back To School Block Party Saturday, August 10, 4 PM - 6 PM, at Central Mall located at 2400 Richmond Rd. Texarkana, Texas.
Parents, bring your kiddos out and lets get them prepared for school and ready to stand up to the face of bullying when they see and/or experience it! The evening will be fun and enlightening for all ages. Come out and enjoy some free food, grab some free school supplies and compete in a pie eating contest!
T.A.B. welcomes all schools! And as a bonus.... Front Stage International Modeling School will be there holding auditions for in search of models for media and magazines for ages three years old and up. So, come get discovered. Click HERE to register today!