Enjoy Over 400 Miles Of Yard Sales
Red River Valley presents... The Hwy 82/287 Yard Sale. The biggest yard sale ever! Friday, June 4 and Saturday June 5, you can enjoy over 400 miles of treasures: yard sales, sidewalk sales, farmer's markets, arts and crafts shows, antiquing, and various hidden treasures in towns.
HERE'S HOW IT WORKS: Participating towns will have information available guiding shoppers to the special sales sites throughout their communities. Some towns will have yard sales set up at a central location, or spread throughout the town. Still others will showcase their downtown merchants or their flea markets/trade days/farmers markets.
FUN FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY: Make plans now to travel through the Red River Valley region of Texas for the US HWY 82/287 Yard Sale. You’ll discover fun for the whole family…. from heritage homes to historic downtowns, from art to antiques, from cattle trails to cultural facilities and enjoy local owned restaurants!
SEE BELOW: For a list of participating US Hwy 82/287 Yard Sale communities and locations where HWY SALE information can be picked-up.
2021 Yard Sale – Participating Communities – HWY SALE INFORMATION Pick-up locations
- New Boston…….Pavilion at 1 Trail Head Park Plaze - www.newbostoncity.org
- Clarksville……… Vintaj Cowgirl, 120W. Main St.- clarksville.tx.mainstreet@gmail.com
- Detroit……………Community Center, 105 SW 1st St- Little Motor City Detroit, TX
- Reno…………… Watch for sales along HWY 82 in Ren0- www.renotexas.us
- Paris………………Chamber of Commerce, 8 West Plaza Downtown - www.paristexas.com
- Honey Grove….. Gazebo S. side of Downtown - www.honeygrovechamber.com
- Bonham…………Visitor Center Downtown, 327 N. Main- www.visitbonham.com
- Gainesville……… Chamber of Commerce, 311 S. Weaver St. - www.gainsvillecofc.com
- Lindsay…………..Don Lucky Tri-State Real Estate, 1001 N. Pecan-www.donlucky.net
- Muenster……….. Muenster Antique Mall, 405 E. Division Street……. www.muensterchamber.com
- Saint Jo…………..Dairy Queen, HWY 82- www.saintjochamber.com
- Nocona………… Tales ‘N’ Trails Museum, 1522 E. HWY 82 - www.nocona.org
- Henrietta…………Chamber of Commerce, 202 W. Omega Street -www.hccchamber.org
- Bowie………………Watch for sales along HWY 287 including downtown…..www.cityofbowietx.com
- Quanah……………1009 West 11th/Hwy 287… “Saturday Only” - City of Quanah, Texas