Have You Heard About The Ghost Sightings in These Arkansas Cemeteries?
It's that time of year to hear and see all things creepy. Arkansas has some creepy tales of hauntings in cemeteries.
There have been some creepy stories about people seeing ghosts and other strange things at cemeteries all across Arkansas. Here are some of the creepiest stories. Have you been to any of these and have seen or heard something you just can't explain?
Avon Cemetery in DeQueen
There is a well at the center of the Avon Cemetery in DeQueen. Locals have said that if you are brave enough to go there at night and throw a rock down the well you will hear a baby cry. The legend is about the area way before the cemetery was there. A woman was at the well with her baby and she sat the baby on the edge of the well so she could get water. When she was retrieving water from the well her baby fell into the well. Now there are reports of not only hearing a baby crying but there have been reports of people seeing a ghostly woman walking through the area searching for her baby.
Liberty Baptist Church Cemetery in Batesville Arkansas
In this cemetery, there have been a few different types of sightings. People have seen a ghostly old woman sitting in a rocking chair in an upstairs window of the church. There have been reports of the ghost of a little boy who shows up in photographs of the cemetery. There have been sightings of strange lights and what looks like a young woman. People think she may have been killed somewhere in the area way back in the early 1900s.
Mount Holly Cemetery in Little Rock
People have reported seeing Confederate soldiers and Native American Indians walking the grounds. There have also been reports of the tombstones moving around by themselves! Others say they have heard the eerie sounds of someone playing the flute early in the mornings.
Shady Grove Cemetery in Bald Knob
Stories from this cemetery are really creepy even grasshoppers and crickets won't go there. The story here is there is a group of ghosts that are children. If you flash your car headlights three times then the children will come and put their handprints on your car.
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