Lost Something?? Let St. Anthony Help You Find It. This Worked For Me!
Keys... jewelry... driver license, bank card... you name it, we've all had something that we've lost a game of hide and seek to. I'm notorious for losing my keys... money and purse. Well recently , my coworker introduced me to a person (so to speak) that will find it all for me. His name is St. Anthony *AKA* Tony.So, last week I shared with my coworker, Lisa from Kicker 102.7 that I had lost my keys. She very casually mentioned praying to a "St. Tony" to help me find them. Then she recited the prayer...
Tony, Tony,
look around.
Something’s lost
and must be found!
Dear St. Anthony please come around something is lost and it cannot be found.
Sounded a little kiddy. So, I laughed, but out of desperation to find my keys, I went home and quoted the prayer verbatim. And guess what.... I FOUND MY KEYS!!
Not only did I find my long lost keys, I also found a spare key that I wasn't even looking for. I had given up on finding this key and no lie.... I walked by this spot in my breakfast nook area and something said, "Look underneath here". Well low and behold there it was... a spare key I had looked for for months!! So, yes.... I am a big fan AND believer in St. Anthony or St, Tony for short if you will.
Of course having that experience made me want to know more and dive deeper into this St. Anthony cat... Is he an apostle? Did he walk with Jesus? I'm just tryna figure out who he is and where he's been all my life. Well, this is what I found out....
Who is this mysterious saint who is celebrated in such a unique way?
St. Anthony was a Franciscan priest in the 13th century who is widely known as the “Patron Saint of Lost Things.” It all goes back to a story from his life. A novice stole a book of Psalms he had. When St. Anthony prayed to God for it to be recovered, the novice returned it to him.
Throughout the centuries countless people have turned to St. Anthony in their hour of need and many times their prayers were answered and the item was found. Invoking his intercession does not always guarantee that the item will be found, but when the person prays to St. Anthony with an honest faith and open heart, God always answers the petition. Check out the video below....
Now don't forget.... if you can't seem to find it. You have a faithful friend in St. Anthony OR since he's my homeboy now.. I just call him Tony. Please let me know how this works out for you.
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