Your Next Rt 66 Texas Panhandle Trip Should Include A Giant Cross
The next time you're planning a trip out Route 66, also known as Interstate 40, through the Panhandle of Texas, you should plan a visit to this 190' giant Cross in Groom, Texas.
Located about 40 miles east of Amarillo, Groom, Texas is a pretty small town with a couple of attractions of note, the first you will come to, if traveling west through town is;
The Leaning Tower of Texas
You can't make this stuff up. It is a tower, and by golly, it is leaning, soooo... there you go.
There may be a few other locations worth the stop in Groom, but we were on a tight time schedule when Caddo Area Council - Crew 3 rolled through town back in 2019. It was one of the first stops on "Crew 3's Epic Western Expedition," one of the last trips we took with our older Scouts, and what an adventure it was. Click on the links at the bottom of this article if you would like to see more photos from the trip.
By The Way
These things are everywhere in west Texas, hundreds, thousands of them, as far as the eye can see. Without getting too political, I'm still not sure of their effectiveness vs cost and maintenance, but they are kinda neato-nifty-keen... looking.
Anyway, back to this stop, on this day of our adventure. I remember it like it was Day 2, because it was, we still had about 40 more miles to go before reaching our destination for the night in Amarillo, but this stop was well worth the time.
It's called:
Cross of Our Lord Ministries
A highly recommended destination for anyone. There is no charge for visiting this site, they rely on donations for their ministry, however, so please leave something, or buy some items in the gift shop, you will surely be blessed. For more information check out their website at CrossMinistries.net.
Crew 3's Epic Western Expedition Links
Biggest Home in Texas at 29,000 Square Feet
Mid America Flight Museum - Mt Pleasant, Texas