Who don't know Southside Reggie... *AKA* "Daddio" as he often refers to himself.
Known for many things in and outside of the city from hustling to selling clothes, purses, hair, etc to a few things I shall not mention (LOL) However, in addition to making money, rapping and singing have his heart. But NOTHING has his heart like the lady he calls his "mother".

I sat down and had a pretty extensive conversation with Southside yesterday for the first time ever. Dude is funnyyyyyy as hell! Many times throughout the conversation, I said, "Southside, you need your own show." It's the raw realness for me wrapped in truth and comedy for me. I had many "wait a minute... hollup man moments". lol  But above all, his love, APPRECIATION, and utter adoration for his mom was moving.

When we spoke, it was initially about the song. It went from the song to his relationship throughout the years with his mother. The stories.... whew (Some I'll take to the grave), they are of a young man who went to a detention center for several months at 14 years old... and became a grown man who would end up in and out of prison and on drugs. It's the story of the unconditional love of a mother has for her son and never left his side and loved him through all his BS.... A mother who had his back right or wrong and would go to hell or jail for her son.  In our conversation Reggie recalled his mom saving money to have gas to come visit him in prison. As a mom, myself, I can relate on every level.

So, "Daddio" hit me up with a new song he wrote about his mom titled, "T-lady" that actually features his mom in it. In the song he speaks on the 100 visits his mom made to visit him during his different stays in prison. He speaks on his mama her loving him through his drug addiction in the lyrics,

"And even though I was a dope fein, mama, you always treated me like a dope king mama."

The song has a Tupac's Dear Mama theme/vibe to it. I can't wait for you guys to hear it! And video coming soon. Much love to Daddio for sharing his story and tribute to his Queen!

Oh and if ya know then ya know... Southside got his ish together and is an entrepreneur who continues to expand his brand, and of course, make music. :)

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