baby names

These Baby Names Are Now Banned In Arkansas
These Baby Names Are Now Banned In Arkansas
These Baby Names Are Now Banned In Arkansas
What's in a name? Actually..a lot. There is a ton of thinking about names on the parents' part as they give their bundle of joy an identity the child will use its entire life. Some parents don't have to think too hard about names.
Banned Baby Names in The United States And Arkansas & Texas
Banned Baby Names in The United States And Arkansas & Texas
Banned Baby Names in The United States And Arkansas & Texas
Parents put a lot of time into naming their babies. Whether it's a family name that is being handed down through the generations or a cool trendy name but did you know there are names that are not allowed in the United States? Most states have baby name rules too. We found out what names are banned in Arkansas, Texas and Oklahoma.
Facebook-Obsessed Couple Names Their Baby ‘Like’
Facebook-Obsessed Couple Names Their Baby ‘Like’
Facebook-Obsessed Couple Names Their Baby ‘Like’
An Israeli couple recently named their newborn daughter "Like," as in, the button you press when you enjoy a post on the popular social media site Facebook. This is how the girl's father, Lior Adler, explained the name to the German press agency dpa: "If once people gave Biblical names and that was the icon, then today is one of the most famous icons in the world...