I love my job because it is so much fun. I always have something to say. I like to give advice to people and enjoy finding relationship & self-improvement stories to share with folks. I prefer to look at the bright side. I also believe that community service is a great gift that should be given by everyone and especially anyone willing to give of their time. I'm a huge dog lover and German Shepherds are my favorite. I visit our local animal shelter often and take photos for blogs to help find homes for the homeless pets. If you have lost a pet I can put a photo and description on our website with your contact information. Just send me an email! Please remember to spay and neuter your pets and, super important, get them microchipped.
Mimi C.
Four States Fair Parade Route Detours Around Construction
The Four States Fair parade is Saturday, Sept. 9 at 10AM, in downtown Texarkana with a slight route detour around construction.
Starz Youth Talent Show for Ages 8 to 20 on Monday During the Fair
The deadline is fast approaching to enter the "Starz Youth Talent Show." If you are between the ages of 8 and 20 and have a talent of singing or playing an instrument, here is your opportunity to shine and win great prizes.
Why are People in Texarkana Coughing and Experiencing Headaches
Are you coughing with a sinus pressure headache? My family is suffering terrible sinus issue right now. Runny nose, sore throats, tired, grouchy and can't breath? Find out what is causing this and how you can survive the season.
Donate to the Helpless Animals of Hurricane Harvey
Hurricane Harvey has left a wake of people and animals in need of assistance in its path. Three animal groups in Texarkana are hoping to ease some of the pain endured by the four legged victims by collecting supplies and money to help out.
Here are the Top 10 Full Service Restaurants
The top 10 full service restaurants listed below are ranked by the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI). Do you agree with their list?
Texarkana Lake Campers Believe Dog Owner Dumped Him in The Woods
This stray dog wandered around the woods near a campground at Wright Patman Lake for over a week looking for food and water. Campers at Rocky Point left food and water for the dog but couldn't offer any shelter from the potential storm of Harvey headed our way.
Adidas is the Pet of the Week From the Animal Shelter
Adidas is a fun-loving dog that has a zest for life. She likes to romp and chase a ball and would love it if you could throw it for her. She is a red, Lab/Hound mix that was picked up as a stray the beginning of August.
LifeShare Extends Hours for Blood Donations to Help Flooded Areas
LifeShare Blood Center is extending its center hours until 7PM through Thursday, August 31, to accommodate additional blood donations because of the severe weather along the coast.
Top 10 Ranked Fast-Food Restaurants — Do You Agree?
The American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) just released the list of the top ten fast food restaurants, most of which we have in Texarkana so my question is, do you agree with the ranking?
Farmer’s Almanac Predicts Rainy Winter Weather for Texarkana
Farmer's Almanac is calling for rain and cooler temps in Texarkana this fall and winter. The upcoming spring and summer seasons are looking a bit wet as well. Here is the rest of the annual weather summary:
The Weenie Dogs Are Headed to the Race Track Again
The dogs are headed for track again on Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 4, for the famous Wiener Dog Races at Harrah's Louisiana Downs. You never seen anything like it. Those adorable little, long-bodied, short-legged, weenie dogs running to be top dog.
Fundraiser to Help the Family of Chloe Cox on Saturday
A fundraiser will be held on Saturday, Aug. 26, in honor of Chloe Cox. You can also enter the raffles to win great prizes. Later in the morning they will serve hot dogs, chips and drinks for $3.