The Four States Friends of NRA Banquet is back for 2016. Mark your calendars for Tuesday, May 10, to be at the Four States Fair Grounds for all the food, the auction, the drawings and the guns.
Three dogs at the animal shelter will soon be taking a trip out of the wrong door if they are not adopted or moved into foster homes quickly. Spike, Candy and Dotty deserve a chance to have a life beyond the confinement of the animal shelter. Please share their video and photos to help find great homes for each of these sweet dogs.
Ethan is a very smart young dog. I am shocked that he is still at the shelter. Ethan is a handsome buckskin Pit Bull. He is young and laid back, making him a good choice for a family or first time dog owner.
Monday on the Kidd Kraddick morning show:
"Where In The World Is Taylor Swift?" is back and we're giving away clues all week so listen for your chance to win tickets to see her 1989 tour.
Cara Martin won $720 this morning with Beat the Bank but unfortunately Jessica got locked in the vault and didn't win anything...
Thursday on the Kidd Kraddick morning show:
Don't you hate when the buffet has all of your favorite foods but you get too full before you can eat it all? We heard about that and many more of your #FirstWorldProblems this morning.
Today on the Kidd Kraddick Morning Show:
Adrianna Escalona has to pick who she wants to take to NYC to see the premier of The Walking Dead, what a fun problem to have.
Another day, another two Beat the Bank winners. Veronica won $410 and Brooke won $480...
Friday on the Kidd Kraddick Morning Show:
There was a ton of winning on the show today! “Where in the World is Taylor Swift” wrapped up and Hannah White is on her way to see T-Swizzle live! The winning continued during Beat the Bank when Lacy King picked up $790 and Monica Mendes walked away with $620...