Texarkana Downtown Jail Out of Compliance
According to the Texarkana Gazette, for the second time this year the Texas Commission on Jail Standards has placed Bowie County on it's list of non compliant jails.
A special inspection was launched due to the July 6 death of 48-yer-old Michael Rodden who died in the jail located on the fourth floor of the Bi-State Justice Building jail in downtown Texarkana. According to the death report submitted to the Texas Attorney General by Bowie County Sheriff's Office, Rodden allegedly hung himself in his cell with two socks tied together and then tied to a bolt in the window of his one-man cell.
According to the Aug. 7 report, checks were not performed for more than six hours in the time before jail staff noticed Rodden had perished. Face-to-face observations of inmates must be completed at least once every hour. Texarkana Gazette shared the following statement gained from the report.
After reviewing video evidence in conjunction with self-reporting by facility administration, it was determined that between the hours of 12:30 a.m. and 8:58 a.m., only three observation rounds were conducted: 12:33 a.m., 6:59 a.m. and 7:20 a.m
The jail was deemed noncompliant for the first time this year in April. The report cited Bowie County for failing to conduct required cell checks during a special inspection triggered by the in-custody death of Franklin Greathouse on March 11.
According to the April report, cell checks were documented but video surveillance contradicted the paperwork.
LaSalle Corrections, a private, for-profit company, manages the jail for Bowie County and has since 2013.
Texas Commission on Jail Standards Executive Director Brandon Wood told the Texarkana Gazette that if a jail fails to attain compliance, the commission's board could impose limitations on the number of inmates a facility can house.
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