Fouke, Arkansas is famous for the legendary Fouke Monster now it will be known for another monster, a monster alligator that was caught near there in the Sulpher River Management Area in Southwest Arkansas.

Jagger East from Texarkana and a buddy Carson Bumgardner along with his cousin Gil Elam were out hunting alligators this past weekend on the last week of Alligator season in Arkansas. They spotted something large in the murky waters of the Sulpher River bottoms when they proceeded to pursue the monster gator. After wrestling with the alligator for what seemed like hours the boys finally got it onboard their boat.

Photo, Jagger East
Photo, Jagger East

When they finally got the gator on the winch it was believed to be dead but it sprung back to life for a moment. The alligator was snagged upriver at the I-49 and Hwy 71 bridge near Doddridge.

Photo, Jagger East
Photo, Jagger East

The very large gator measured 12 ft 6 inches in length, there wasn't a scale big enough to weigh the huge gator but it's estimated to weigh somewhere around 850 to 900 pounds. The alligator was also estimated to be around 40 to 50 years old. An official with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission said the required regulation for hunting an alligator in Arkansas is that it must be at least 4 feet or longer for captivity.

Jagger and his friend go hunting every year but they typically have to purchase private land tags. the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission gives out only one of those tags per year. East was able to draw the land tag for the local Wildlife Management area.

Photo, Jagger East
Photo, Jagger East

East is planning on having a huge cookout for family and friends once the meat is processed and is also preparing the hide for a mount. According to East, this was his biggest catch yet.

One thing's for certain, Has another legend just been born in the Boggy Creek area, the Legend of the Sulpher River Monster?

Some Alligators In Arkansas You Can Touch - Most You Can't

If you're looking for a great day trip for the whole family may I recommend a fun outing at the Alligator Farm & Petting Zoo in Hot Springs, Arkansas? My wife has been visiting this fun attraction since she was a little girl, we manage to get around to seeing it every couple of years or so and for the most part, it stays pretty much the same, but it's always fun to pet a baby gater.

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