Wednesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
As a man thinketh, so is he. During this time we have a lot of opportunity for self reflection, which is very therapeutic. So ask yourself... what are my true thoughts of ME?.... When you’re not frontin’ and fakin’ for folks.... Stuntin on social media... When nobody’s around… When the makeup, lashes and the clothes come off. What do you really think of yourself?
We spend waaaay too much time concerned about HOW OTHERS SEE US.... When what really matters at the end of the day is how YOU see you….. Because how you see you determines how you see others seeing you! Make sense? Even if your self-esteem isn’t quite there, begin speaking it until it is so. As some people say, "Fake it to you make it". Well, I say FAITH it til you make it.
Look…. You can say what you wanna say about me, but I got the spirit of Ali…. "I AM THE GREATEST & I SAID THAT EVEN BEFORE I KNEW I WAS."