Wednesday’s Pearls Of Wisdom
“Be MindFUL”
“Do you realize you can’t make anything happen for you without your mind? The shift in your life that you’re looking for in 2020 or to come in 2021… doesn’t begin at your job… in your checking account nor in your connections. It begins in your head. Take the head (THE MIND) and the body is significantly restricted.
The slave masters knew it...”we can teach the slaves how to do anything but read.” Why was reading forbidden? Because they knew if slaves ever got freedom in their heads, they would eventually have it in their lives. You know why?? Because NO CHAIN (physical or emotional) can hold an informed mind. Enjoy social media, but DO NOT let that be all you feed your mind. Again… be mindFUL!
Those are your Pearls Of Wisdom brought to you by Crowned Culture Boutique... the place where "Faith Meets Fashion"! Walk in the room and make a statement in your CCB graphic tee. Click the button below and shop now.
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