The Martha and Josh Morriss Mathematics & Engineering Elementary School is now accepting applications for students entering Grades 1-5. 

Applications are available for download at the district website, or at the TISD Central Office, 4241 Summerhill Road.  Completed applications must be submitted no later than Friday, May 25 in person or via postal mail to 4241 Summerhill Road, Texarkana, Texas  75503.  An acknowledgement receipt will be given at the time of submission.  Proof of residency (current photo id or driver’s license along with a utility statement, lease agreement or tax appraisal statement) will be required with all applications.

All applicants will be required to take a Math and Reading Assessment on June 8.  All of the skills included on the locally developed assessment are within the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS).  Mathematics skills will be assessed at a grade level above the actual grade to correspond with the acceleration in the Morriss Elementary classroom.  TEKS and practice STAAR tests can be found on the Texas Education Agency website at  If you are unable to access the TEA website, TISD can provide a copy of the information needed.

The selection process for students will be based on Academics, Attendance, Work Habits and Behavior.  A rubric score will be determined based on the tests administered, as well as:  current and prior year report card grades; current and prior year STAAR or standardized test scores; current and prior year attendance and tardy record; and current and prior year behavior record.  Additional points will be given for TISD residency and full-time employees of Morriss Elementary School.  A minimum testing and composite score will be required for admittance.

The Martha and Josh Morriss Mathematics & Engineering Elementary School offers students an instructional-focused elementary campus.  The school has instructional opportunities specifically in the areas of math, engineering and technology with direct ties to Texas A&M University - Texarkana College of Education and Liberal Arts and College of Engineering.

For more information, contact 903.794.3651 ext. 1032

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