Biggest and Closest Supermoon Of the Year Is Next Wednesday, May 26
Grab your binoculars, telescopes, cameras, or just a lawn chair, cause if you like looking at a big bright beautiful moon, next week is your week.
Closest Moon of the Year
This is actually a rare Super Blood Moon for those lucky enough to see the full eclipse next week. Sadly for us, we might get a partial eclipse but not the full meal deal this time around, you will see that in the video map below. The full eclipse will be happening to our west, into the Pacific Ocean, and then all the way around to Australia.
The moon will appear full starting next Monday night through Thursday morning, but next Wednesday, May 26 at 6:14 AM CT, is the closest (Perigee of its orbit around the earth), fullest and brightest the moon will be for us this year.
How Big Is Big?
The Supermoon on May 26 will be 30% brighter and appear 14% larger than our normal full moon. Watch the video:
When is the Next Super Blood Moon?
We won't have a chance at another Super Blood Moon, which includes the total moon eclipse until May of 2022. So enjoy what you can while you can, and hopefully, we'll get to see a piece of the eclipse from here next year.
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