Bowie County is up to 27 cases total as of this report from late Monday afternoon, April 6. Five cases have recovered.

Miller County goes up to 14 ongoing cases.

Cass County is reporting 5 cases at this time with 2 recovered.

Texas Health and Human Services COVID-19 Map.

City of Texarkana, Texas Emergency Management say if you have a local question about COVID-19 please send them an email:

Judge Harrison also reminds us to:

  • Keep Hands Clean
  • Use Soap and Water and vigorously wash for at least 20 seconds OR
  • Use Hand-sanitizer which contains at least 60% alcohol
  • Avoid touching face (especially eyes, nose, and mouth)
  • Adhere to Social Distancing
  • Avoid close contact.
  • Maintain a 6 ft distance between individuals
  • Stay Home and Avoid Unnecessary Travel
  • Avoid Social Gatherings of 10 or more
  • Adhere to Mandatory City Curfew (10pm to 6am)
  • Reduce Travel to Essential Travel Only (Gas/grocery stores, work-related, medical appointments, emergencies, & family care)



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