Facebook Looking to Pay Users to Deactivate Accounts for a Study
How much would it take for you to deactivate your Facebook account for a few days? Looks like Facebook wants to pay anyone willing to deactivate their account for a few days – but before you click the “logout” button, there is a catch.
Fox5 reports that Facebook is looking to pay some people to deactivate their accounts for a period of time as part of its effort “to better understand the impact of Facebook and Instagram on society during the 2020 election.”
Facebook announced a partnership with over 15 independent researchers to study the role its platforms have on attitudes and behaviors during the elections.
Facebook had this to say in a blog posted a few weeks ago:
“We need to better understand whether social media makes us more polarized as a society, or if it largely reflects the divisions that already exist; if it helps people to become better informed about politics, or less; or if it affects people’s attitudes towards government and democracy, including whether and how they vote.”
Sidebar: Did you know Facebook owns Instagram too?? Well it does.... Carry on.
It’s pretty refreshing to hear that Facebook will be doing a little self-reflection, because in all honesty, how many people in your life DON’T have a Facebook or Instagram account? I'll wait...................................
To complete their research, “representative, scientific” samples of U.S. residents will be selected to participate in the study, with some participants being asked to completely pause their use of the apps. Liz Bourgeois, Facebook’s director of strategic response communications, confirmed on Twitter participants will be compensated.
According to the message from Facebook your account would be deactivated for either one week or six weeks. Now wait a minute, FB... there's quite a bit of difference between ONE week and SIX weeks.
If I were chosen to participate, I would love to, but my price tag ain't on clearance..... at least not for Facebook AND Instagram (home of the verzuz battles)! This is what I can do/offer.... in this situation: I can do Facebook for $150 (for 6 weeks) and Instagram for $350 for a total of $500. Anything less... ehhhhh I'ma have to pass. ”
So, what would be your price to participate, what would you do?