Famous Dex Will Fly Texarkana Teen Arrested for Trying to Steal Jet to Go to His Concert
Remember the young man, Zemarcuis Scott, from Texarkana, AR who tried to steal a 44-seat airplane to fly himself to the Famous Dex concert? As bizarre as the story sounded, it may have worked in his favor.
Famous Dex is a rapper who is probably best known for his songs "Pick It Up" and "Japan". On July 4th, the story of Scott trying to steal an American Eagle Jet from Texarkana Regional Airport to go see Famous Dex went viral. The rapper told TMZ,that this is the craziest thing anyone has ever done to see him live.
I initially thought the story was a hoax when I first heard it.
With that said, Famous Dex didn't want the young man's efforts to be in vein, so he is flying him out to LA to one of his concerts and putting him up in one of the nicest hotels in the city. Scott won't even need tickets. Famous Dex is going to allow him to stand on stage next to his DJ during the concert.
Famous Dex says the fan who tried stealing a 44-seat airplane to fly himself to see the rapper in concert attempted, hands down, the craziest thing ANYONE has ever done to see him live ... so, he's hooking him up.
Check out the Video below:
Brief Background: Zemarcuis Scott, a teenager from Texarkana, AR, was busted last Fourth of July after cops say he broke into an American Eagle twin-engine jet at Texarkana Regional Airport with the intention to fly himself to see Dex perform in Illinois.
Cops found Scott sitting in the pilot's seat and said he wasn't worried about having zero flying experience ... because it looked simple. Earlier this week ... Scott plead guilty to attempting to steal a commercial jet and avoided jail time with 5 years of felony probation.