The Kidd Kraddick Morning Show had two winners with Beat the Bank today, Jenna's horse moves on and look what's happening tomorrow!

Melisa Clary won $740 and Rosemary Mejia won $570 this morning with Beat the Bank.

Kiddtucky Derby continued today with Jenna's race. Her horse, "Swimming with Pigs," took the gold and is on to race on Friday!

We had a "foot in mouth" moment here at the studio yesterday that inspired us to take calls from our listeners about their embarrassing stories.


We'll be playing Beat the Bank again tomorrow, TWICE, with your chance to win 7:20 and 8:20 CT.

We keep Kiddtucky Derby going with Big Al's race tomorrow. You can check out to place your bet on which on his horses will win.

Kellie will be answering your love letters tomorrow during "Love Letters to Kellie."

Tune in 5:00 am - 10:00 am weekdays on Mix 93-3!

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