SAU Looking Foward To Annual Veterans’ Day Tribute on November 11
Wear your patriotic colors and join Southern Arkansas University’s annual Veterans’ Day tribute from 12-1:30PM on November 11, 2016.
The event will be held in Grand Hall in the Donald W. Reynolds Center. Parking is available in the Reynolds Center parking lot, and the SAU President’s Ambassadors will provide shuttle services as needed.
Scheduled to speak at the tribute is SAU President Dr. Trey Berry. Inspiring entertainment will be provided by talented SAU students, faculty, staff and alumni. Karnesia George, SAU alumna, will perform “Battle Hymn of the Republic.” Beth Ann Rankin, Associate Director of Development for SAU, will sing “America the Beautiful.” SAU student, Devin Sipes, of the SAU Band, will perform “Taps.” The SAU Brass Quintet, consisting of Devin Sipes, Trumpet, Seth Loftin, Trumpet, Renee Jorgensen, French Horn, Raechel Settlemoir, Trombone and Cyrus Tucker, Tuba, will play the service hymns as well as the National Anthem.
Carey Baker, Dean of Students at SAU, will present textbook stipends to aid two current SAU students receiving veteran benefits. SAU is home to returning veterans looking to get a college education, and the University has been awarded for the past six years the designation of “Military Friendly School” by G.I. Jobs, the premier magazine for military personnel transitioning into civilian life. This year SAU has just been chosen as a Top School in the 2017 Military Advanced Education and Transition Guide to Colleges and Universities.
For more information about the program, contact Vicki Butler, Veterans Resource Center director, at 870-235-4026 or vjbutler@saumag.edu. A reception will follow the tribute.
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