When was the last time you purchased something that had a recall on it? It may have been more recent than you think. This is a list of Amazon recalls recently purchased in the Great State of Arkansas.
Back when this Alexa thing got started, when you wanted to listen to your favorite radio station, that would be us, Majic 93-3 on Alexa, you had to enable a "Skill" first and make sure you say it just right to get it to play the correct station. It's much easier now.
I'm a huge Amazon Prime shopper! If I order it, I want it to be sent to me as of yesterday. I also love great deals, and today is Amazon Prime Day 2021!
Amazon Prime Day.... not to be confused with Optimus Prime Day for my transformer friends...
Amanda Gorman held America's attention and heart for a little over six minutes during the 2021 Inauguration as she so eloquently delivered spoken word that soothed hurting hearts and gave hope and a sense of pride to everyone under the sounds of her voice.