
Should Bob Costas Be Fired?
Remember when ABC/ESPN/Monday Night Football let Hank Williams Jr. go after he expressed his political opinions in a totally different forum? Well shouldn't NBC/Sunday Night Football consider letting Bob Costas go for lecturing us on his political opinions about gun control actually during the game's halftime show?
Have You Told Your Kids About 9/11? [POLL]
Have You Told Your Kids About 9/11? [POLL]
Have You Told Your Kids About 9/11? [POLL]
My youngest wasn't born yet when the terrorists attacked American soil on 9/11/2001, he's ten now and in the last few days has started asking questions about what happened. Time to break out YouTube and start showing some of the bad in the world I guess.
Smart Phones, Are You In? [POLL]
Smart Phones, Are You In? [POLL]
Smart Phones, Are You In? [POLL]
The whole idea of phones being smart is kinda of funny when you think about it, when I was a traffic reporter in Houston we carried around these gigantor two-way radios when riding or flying around the city to call in our traffic reports. Then we got those huge bag phones, and I suppose we were lucky to have all our parts working after being around that much RF radiating from those devices. Read M
$100 Scalped Tickets for Batman, Really? [POLL]
$100 Scalped Tickets for Batman, Really? [POLL]
$100 Scalped Tickets for Batman, Really? [POLL]
A report on MSNBC Entertainment is saying that some people are willing to pay up to $100 or more for a ticket to see the new Batman movie 'The Dark Night Rises' which opens in theaters July 20. Is it just me, or are a lot of people's priorities way out of whack these days?
Memorial Weekend Travel Plans [POLL]
Memorial Weekend Travel Plans [POLL]
Memorial Weekend Travel Plans [POLL]
I don't know about you but the economy has been rough on me and my family for the past couple of years, it has really put a damper on our ability to travel and see family or take vacations.

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