
What is the Last Thing You Would Give up to Save Money?
What is the Last Thing You Would Give up to Save Money?
What is the Last Thing You Would Give up to Save Money?
The recent economic downturn has forced many of us to change the way we spend our hard earned cash. As I was pumping gas yesterday I realized how much the greed of the oil suckers has affected my ability to afford the things I could before the $3 a gallon gas hit. Fewer trips to the store. Fewer trips to town. Fewer meals out. What have you had to give up? What will be the last thing that you cut
Unload Your Gift Cards Now
Unload Your Gift Cards Now
Unload Your Gift Cards Now
Use those gift cards before they are worthless. Even though the recession is supposedly, there is still some fall out for retail stores. Don't get caught holding a piece of plastic that has no value.