The Four States Friends of NRA Banquet Is Tonight
It's here, it's tonight, the Four States Friends of NRA Banquet is tonight, Friday, March 10, at the Four States Fair Grounds in the Barbara Gleboff Fine Arts building. The food, the drawings the auction and the guns. All to benefit youth shooting sports in the Ark-La-Tex.
Get ready shooters, gun enthusiasts and gun rights (2A) supporters. The 2017 Friends of NRA Banquet is upon us, there are just a few tickets left. If you like supporting our area youth, the shooting sports in general, live auctions and winning guns and other great stuff, you can't miss this.
Dinner tickets are only $40 each, and all tickets purchased this year will be in a special drawing. There will only be 200 tickets sold and that number is dropping fast. I seriously doubt there will be any available at the door.
Table packages for companies, groups, clubs or other organizations are available for $800, $1600, $2600, $3600 and $4600. Starting at the $1600 table package level, you have already won a gun that night. Most may be sold out already.
The Four States Friends of NRA supports area youth shooting sports, from ammo and gun purchases to safety equipment, range improvements and more. Every year area shooting clubs and youth trap teams and more apply for grants from the Friends of NRA and have again deeply benefited from our area banquet for decades. This directly helps bring up another generation of shooting sports enthusiasts right here at home.
If you need more info call 903-701-2094. You can purchase your meal tickets online here: Friends of NRA
Protecting our rights to keep and bear arms begins with youth shooting programs and safety education, that is one of the mission goals of Friends of NRA, but they can't do it without our help.
These exclusive firearms and other merchandise are available to Friends of NRA National Sponsors only! Each sponsor will receive their choice of the items at that sponsorship level, a tax donation; subscription to Traditions magazine and more. Contact Greg Cook at 903-701-2094 if you are interested in these special sponsorship opportunities.
Visit their Facebook page to learn more and we'll see you there.
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