Tips On Quitting Your Job To Work For Yourself
Have you ever wanted to start your own company? Maybe you are sick of working for someone else and want to make money for yourself. There is a lot of opportunity out there if you have the ability to find it.
From here are some tips on making the move to working for yourself:
- Do Not Tell Anyone at Work of Your Plans -- Even though our co-workers are often our closest friends, it's important to be tight-lipped about your plans. Blabbing to them is not worth the risk. You may need your current job a while longer. No use chancing it.
- Be Professional when You Leave -- Never burn any bridges. It's that simple. You just never know when you might run into your old bosses again, not to mention might need investors or partners.
- Have a Plan and Something That's Working -- Start your business in your free time and build it up to a point where you know you can succeed.
- Already be Making Money Elsewhere -- You want to know you at least have somewhat of a stream of money coming in before telling your boss you quit.
- Have Enough Cash to Live for a While -- A savings stash of six months of living expenses should be your minimum. This will protect you against a lot of sleepless nights.
- Be Motivated -- Working from home isn't as easy or "fun" as people think. You have put in the hours and have discipline. When you're working for yourself, every minute you slack off, you are potentially losing money.