PUPPIES FOUND! I can't believe it worked! I picked a stray momma dog up on Saturday. She was hanging out looking for food at Hot Tails Crawfish located on Hwy 71 at DuJack's Liquor Store--five miles out of town with no homes in sight. She was destined to be ran over if I left here there. She kept weaving between the cars, looking as if she was lost. She was painfully skinny.

I took her to the vet on Tuesday hoping she was still pregnant. She wasn't. She ALREADY had puppies and they were out there somewhere. On the advice of Dr. Stacey Swain Hendershott I took the momma dog back to where I found her and let her lead me to the puppies.

Selma Puppy Search - This is where we went in the woods
Selma Puppy Search - This is where we went in the woods
Mimi Campbell-McDaniel/Townsquare Media

I crawled through the thicket with her leading me on a six foot leash. Literally on my hands and knees crawling in the dirt, mud and briars. It was pretty scary. Snakes were probably my biggest worry. I got hung up in thorny trees and bushes several times. My hair got tangled up in the bushes, as you can tell by some of the photos.

Selma Hunting For Her Puppies Mimi Campbell-McDaniel/Townsquare Media
Selma Hunting For Her Puppies
Mimi Campbell-McDaniel/Townsquare Media

We went through two barbed-wire fences, the dog made it through much easier than I did. We crossed a creek, climbed over railroad tracks, trekked through a cow pasture, dropped and rolled under a gate and finally made it to a road that led to a farm house with two roosters in the yard. There was also a dog in the yard. I made it through the snake land only to worry about being bit by a dog or attacked by a rooster.

A two year old boy answered the door. His mom came out after about three or four minutes and she led me where the puppies were--on the front porch. Sweet as can be five little babies. They were so happy to see their momma. The puppies are approximately 3 to 4 weeks old. There are four girls and one boy. I walked back to my truck via the road and I was a mile and a half from where I started!

Selma Baby Daddy - Now Named Pierre
Selma Baby Daddy - Now Named Pierre
Mimi Campbell-McDaniel/Townsquare Media

The dog I had seen in the yard turns out to be the babies' daddy. I now have momma, five adorable babies and daddy too. I have already spent $185 on momma vetting. The puppies are being checked out and daddy will be neutered tomorrow. If you would like to donate to the care and vetting of this family of dogs, or if you would like to foster the momma and babies or the daddy, please let me know by emailing me at MCRgsd@yahoo.com.

A friend of mine had a great idea: Foster for a week! If we all trade out it won't be too much on any one person. I work so many hours during the week now -- please let me know if you can foster for a week or during the week and I can do the weekends. I will send food.

Muttley Crew Rescue July 2012 Sophie Ranger Mimi Max
Muttley Crew Rescue July 2012 Sophie Ranger Mimi Max

I run Muttley Crew Rescue which is actually a dog rescue for German shepherds. All of these dogs will be spayed and neutered prior to be adopted to new homes. If you are interested in adopting one of these dogs, or any of the other dogs listed on my website, please click here to submit an application.

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